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Sports company PUMA and Hong Kong based artist Michael Lau are partnering together again for his first full collection of footwear, apparel and accessories, inspired by the creation of a product for a “SAMPLE” collection.

PUMA x Michael Lau

Based in Hong Kong, Michael Lau achieved worldwide acclaim for his collectible designer toy figures. Throughout the years, he has continually created timeless art pieces and is crowned as the “godfather of toy figures”. The inspiration behind the PUMA X MICHAEL LAU collection, “SAMPLE,” documents the mental journey of the creator, and expresses the interaction between the artist and the product. When working with PUMA, Michael’s aim is not to merely produce commercial products, rather, he is intrigued by the idea of exploring a concept as it begins from scratch to finally creating a masterpiece. That, he believes, is where the fun lies.

“Please enjoy and make fun out of the process of trial and error,” says Lau. “It may surprise you!” Michael hopes to remind everyone that sometimes mistakes will bring joy. According to his creative experience and understanding, when creating an item, no matter if it’s a figure or apparel or sneakers, the most amusing design may come from the designer or the factory technician’s unintentional mistakes. Facing these accidental miscalculations, most would dump the prototype and revise immediately. Michael, however, gladly embraces these mistakes. He observes the beauty of such “errors” from another angle and weaves these elements into his designs. His artistic perceptions are unveiled in the products for the PUMA X MICHAEL LAU collection.

PUMA x Michael Lau

Collection pieces feature hand-drawn pencil graphics, graph paper textures, and other playful design references, resulting in products with a hand-made inspired look and feel. Prints and details play around the idea of a "work in progress" collection, while graphics inspired by Lau’s figures add a personal touch to the pieces. Many items are adorned with phrases like “Reverse,” “Too Long,” and “Too Small”. These are common words used by factories, which highlights the explorative nature of the "SAMPLE” collection.

Bringing these unique design touches to life, the Mirage Mox features a graph paper inspired print alongside bright pops of color. The Ralph Sampson Mid is adorned with digital prints and mismatched color accents on the laces and tongue. Rounding out the footwear in the collection are similar takes on the Ralph Sampson Lo and RS-2K.

The Two-Face Track Jacket is the standout apparel piece, featuring a unique print with pencil mark graphics in a reversible style with a tall collar. The apparel range includes a variety of items that showcase the concept, like the Knit Pants with '"SAMPLE” patch work and the Women's Pocket Hoodie Dress with a kangaroo pocket on the back. Accessories complete the collection with items like a Flat Brim Cap with a detachable "PUMA SAMPLE STUFF" graphic and a Tote Bag that comes equipped for storage and comfort with unique graphic prints. 

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      Max Damian
      Nov 20, 2021

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        Sep 29, 2022

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          Jun 25, 2023

Montaż anten Warszawa

4.9/5 w oparciu o 139 ocen

Montaż i ustawienie anten podłączenie dekodera cyfrowego (Legionowo, Babice, Ożarów Mazowiecki, Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Piastów, Marki, Raszyn, Otwock, Płochocin, Piaseczno, Błonie, Sulejówek, Pruszków, Wołomin, Zielonka, Łomianki, Podkowa Leśna, Konstancin, Warszawa)
Zakres cen oferowanych usług: 150-500 PLN Obsługiwany teren: Województwo Mazowieckie


Odbiór cyfrowej telewizji satelitarnej może zostać czasami zakłócony, może to być przelatujący samolot lub ptak, który usiadł na antenie. Jeśli zakłócenia występują cały czas to oznacza, że mamy problem z instalacją w naszym domu. Na początku sprawdźmy wszystkie połączenia między dekoderem i anteną, zdejmijmy końcówki bo mogła się tam dostać woda podczas deszczu, popatrzmy czy drzewa wokół domu nie urosły i nie zasłoniły sygnału z satelity. Może się okazać, że te proste czynności nie pomogą, pozostaje nam zamówienie instalatora polecanego przez serwis Canal+ z Warszawy. Monterzy używają wysokiej klasy mierników sygnału cyfrowego i bez problemu odnajdą przyczynę zakłóceń w obrazie telewizyjnym a także dokładnie wyregulują antenę co poprawi jakość odbioru podczas złych warunków atmosferycznych.

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    May 27, 2023

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      Sep 13, 2023

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